Sunday, May 15, 2011

Angry Bird Arrive in Chrome

If you are using Google Chrome as your Internet Browser, then the famous Angry Bird is arrived.

One of Google's big announcements this week was the launch of Chrome Angry Birds, a port of the hugely popular mobile game to Google's browser. But calling it "Chrome Angry Birds" is missing the point because what's really interesting is that it's a real-time multimedia cross-platform HTML 5 app. It runs fine in MSIE 9 and Firefox on Windows (sound and save games included) and I've heard reports it works in Safari on Macs, too. And because the game is based on open browser technologies, we can easily pull it apart and see how it's built just like we've been pulling apart web pages since 1993 via the magic of "view source".

Let's check out!

Of course, Google Chrome only, if you do not have Chrome, download from here (I think it is the best browser ):

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